Union Parish of Picton

Picton Union



40 Broadway, Picton 7220

Phone: 03 5736301

Email: [E-Mail not displayed]

Interim Moderator, John Buchanan
ph: 03 578 4576 Mob: 021 147 1666
[E-Mail not displayed] 

About Us

  • Worship

    We gather for worship on Sunday morning at 10.00am and there is a warm invitation to join us.

    Holy Communion is on the second Sunday of each month.

    Everyone is invited and welcome to participate in receiving communion. 

    We celebrate communion with an open table, which means that  we welcome anyone to join us in receiving the bread and grape juice, from any background of faith and any age. It is our practice not to serve wine, but unfermented grape juice. Methods of serving communion vary so instructions will be given at the time. For those unable to move easily, they will be served where they are seated.

    On the 5th Sunday in a month we have a combined service with the other Picton Christian Churches commencing at 6 pm, the venue advised at the time.

    A monthly church service is taken at the local rest home by the Superintendent on the first Wednesday of the month.

  • Facilities for Hire

    Union Parish Centre has rooms for hire on a regular or occasional basis.

    Please Contact the Booking Clerk, Jean Faithful on 03 5736309 or email [E-Mail not displayed]   


    We warmly welcome infants, children and adults into the life of the church through Christian baptism. Baptisms occur during Sunday morning worship. 

    Any queries, please contact the Office 03 5736301.



    The Centre is available for wedding services.  

    Phone the Office 03 5736301.



    We work alongside funeral directors to provide meaningful and helpful funeral services for any family wishing to use our church.  

    Contact the Office 03 5736301. 

  • History of our parish

    Our Parish came into being through the amalgamation of the former Methodist and Presbyterian Churches.

    A Covenant of Co-operation between St. Peters Methodist and St. Paul's Presbyterian Churches was entered into on 8 July 1969, and our Union Parish was formally instituted on 1 February 1971.

    The congregation worshipped first in the former Presbyterian Church in Wairau Road, and later in the former Methodist Church in Auckland Street.

    Early in 1987 it came to the notice of Parish Council that the Shell Oil Company would be interested in acquiring the Methodist site if and when it became available, as it would be a prime site for them with access from both High and Auckland Streets.

    Our present site, which was the Station Master's residence, became available and was purchased. Some demolition took place and the shell of the house was relocated to another part of the town.

    Work began on this building on 2 February 1988 and the Foundation Stone was laid on the 14th of the same month.

    Other Foundation Stones were incorporated into the base of the new building, one from St. Paul's Presbyterian Church dated 1891, and the other from St. Peters Methodist Church dated 1910. The Foundation Stone from St. Paul's Sunday School is in the retaining wall of the drive and is dated 1938.

    Our Complex was opened and dedicated free of debt by the President of the MCNZ, Rev. Buddy Te Whare, and the Assembly Executive Secretary of the PCANZ, Rev. Michael Thawley, on Saturday 11 June 1988. Rev John Hamlin was our minister at the time.

    In 2010 we entered into a Regional Shared Ministry Agreement with the Blenheim Methodist Parish and together appointed Rev Ian Boddy. This lasted for five years.

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"to be a caring community within our community in the name of Jesus"